Role within the UnderShadow Series

Cyrus Fernsby
Intelligence Agent Turned Investigator
But... WHY?
The state of emergency could not be direr. People of color, especially the African American community have been victimized by law enforcement since there was law enforcement in the United States of America. Event after gruesome and despicable event men, women, and children were being unjustifiably murdered at the hands of those sworn to serve and protect. Eric Castille, decorated Marine in retirement is on the verge of putting some of the final pieces of a plan together that he had been developing for over a decade. over a decade he sat in immense disdain to the complete utter absence of justice in any form for the heinous crimes perpetrated by law enforcement personnel since he was a child stemming back to vivid tales of too many spanning back long before his creation. He decisively had enough. with his team of family and close-knit friends, he was setting out on executing a beacon to let the entire law enforcement community, and government knows that this will be tolerated no longer under the status quo of typical responses. he strove to raise the bar and obliterate the complacency of basking the expectation of justice never to arrive for a community traumatized in its sheer reflective absence. Eric wastes no time, prepared to spare no expense. His vision will be brought to fruition...